How much does a Beijing subway billboard cost?

More than 100 anti-seismic billboards were put up in the Beijing subway
From the night before yesterday to yesterday, the Beijing Subway Company urgently designed, produced and published "Earthquake Relief" public service advertisements overnight. Four posters cost 30 yuan. Sealed light boxes cost 40 yuan, mainly at Chongwenmen, Dengshikou, East Gate of the Temple of Heaven, Zhangzizhong Road, Beixinqiao and other stations on Metro Line 5, and at Dongdan and Guomao (10 yuan) on Dahao Lines 1 and 2 with imitations and Tiananmen East, Jianguomen (block 11), Chaoyangmen, Chongwenmen, Dongzhimen, Jishuitan, Yonghegong, East Fourth.

I would like to ask experts about whether it is possible to create advertisements on the guardrails on both sides of the high-speed railway? And it can pre vent passengers from seeing the advertising content clearly.
I build high-speed rail, and I personally think the possibility is relatively small:
1. The speed is fast, 300km/h, close to 70m/s. It should be a bit difficult to see clearly, and the cost should be relatively high. High;
2. After the billboard is installed, if it is affected by the wind in windy conditions, the structural stress will change;
3. The impact of billboards on high-speed rail safety. Over time, billboards will It will inevitably be damaged. Once it falls on the rails, the consequences can be imagined (this is something you don’t need to consider in the subway).
Especially when it comes to safety, once you have some concerns, I won’t even dare to let you do it.
Personally, I think it would be much better if it was done on ordinary railways
