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2024-09-21 07:41:49

本文目录一览⑴How to unlock fast movement in Horizon 4
Crash the moving billboard and buy a house. According to the Horizon 4 game guide, it can be seen that Horizon 4 hits the mobile billboard and buys a house to move quickly. "Forza Horizon 4" is a racing game. It is considered a very good game in the "Forza" series and stands out among many racing games.

⑵A list of all garage treasure collection locations in "Forza Horizon 4" and garage treasure collection locations

"Forza Horizon 4" is the same as pre vious generations, with many classics hidden away Vehicles are waiting for players to discover them on the map. You can own these garage treasures by taking them home for repair. Below we will bring you the locations to obtain all the garage treasures in "Forza Horizon 4", with a detailed list of the collection locations of the garage treasures, as well as a vehicle illustration, so that you can choose the car you like to collect.

Treasures in the garage - available at any time


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"Forza Horizon 4" Essence Article Recommendation Compre hensive Graphic Guide Main Line Video Strategy Vehicle Modification Trends and Tutorials Vehicle Adjustment School Xin’s billboard location, FE vehicle performance overview, garage treasure acquisition location, crash solution

⑶、How to create a billboard on the horizon roof
1. According to the official website of the game "Forza Horizon 4", mark the coordinates of the billboard and the speed used on the map.
2. Rush forward towards this mark at full speed, cross the roof, and when the wheels touch the billboard, you can get the billboard.