stall billboard price board

How to run a good clothing stall
You can reduce the price of a few pieces of clothing to the cost price with one or two yuan more, and then make an eye-catching billboard to indicate it. Hanging at the stall. When customers see you have several such cheap clothes, they will come over to look at them. They don’t necessarily just look at those few pieces!

Tips for setting up street stalls

In setting up street stalls, because there are no fixed stalls, the products sold must be suitable for the stall owner to carry. Therefore, it can be inferred that setting up street stalls is mainly for buying and selling small items. Daily necessities must be cheap.

1. From the perspective of consumers, the products on street stalls should be relatively cheap, otherwise they would rather go to shopping malls and supermarkets to buy them. In addition, if the products on the street stalls are more unique, it will be easier to attract customers. The main categories of street stalls include: accessories, toys, books, snacks, etc.

2. People who set up street stalls have the following attributes: people who have a certain amount of time and relatively small capital but have the desire to start a business; people who have no job and need to find a way to earn living expenses. Specifically, there are several major categories: college students, laid-off workers, unemployed people, young office workers, etc.

3. The profit model of street stalls. Since there are no other fixed expenses for street stalls, such as rent, water and electricity bills, taxes, staff wages and other related expenses, the profit model of street stalls can be simplified as : Profit = payment for selling goods - payment for purchasing goods.

4. Time: Night is the prime time for setting up street stalls, the specific time is 5:00-10:30. This time period is the peak period for people to go out, especially in summer, people like to go out to enjoy the cool air. and a breath of fresh air.

Extended information

1. Accurate market Forecasting is the pre requisite for making money. For example, if a naval battle is about to begin, then a large amount of artillery, bows, and cooking will undoubtedly be consumed during the naval battle. Based on the prices of items on the market, your own production efficiency can roughly estimate the profit. If the profit is OK, there is no doubt that You can't let go of such an opportunity. Another example is that the last time the reputation was opened, you could switch to shipbuilding. The demand for saws suddenly increased. If you have accurate pre dictions about the market, making money will definitely not be a problem.

2. Location selection. Not only a place with a lot of people is a good place to set up a street stall, but a little further out, in a place with a large flow of people and a relatively open space is the best choice. This is a small area. Generally speaking, what kind of goods are sold in which city, such as fishing +1, the price in Lisbon can be completely higher than the heat.
