3m column billboard price

1、About the billboards on the highways
According to the relevant national highway regulations, the advertising management rights of the toll roads should belong to the units with road property rights. The billboards you mentioned on the highways need to go through The expre ssway company agrees that according to national regulations, 30 meters outward along the roadside of the expre ssway is the road property protection range. However, in practice, the road traffic regulations of various provinces generally have different provisions on this distance. For example, some provinces stipulate the distance of national trunk roads. It is 50 meters, and the general highway is 30 meters. Highway column billboard: column diameter is generally: 1.2 meters, 12cm thick iron sheet is generally: 0.6-0.8 height is generally: 21 meters, layout is generally: 6 meters

2、How to calculate the quote for outdoor advertising?
Single column advertisements are generally divided into double-sided and three-sided.
In fact, there is no very clear design fee standard. The calculation method is generally based on the advertising area specifications in meters and the artistry and complexity of the advertising pattern. Sometimes the specific location of the billboard is also listed as One of the billing standards, the billing methods and quotations of various advertising companies are quite different.
So to clarify the design cost, you need to contact several advertising companies for negotiation and price comparison. You can probably find a more unified calculation method, and you can also find a psychological price point from it.
If you have more specific questions, you can continue to ask, such as explaining the specific situation you want to design, thank you
